Last, actually early this morning, I decided to stayed up to watch the "mother of all matches", it was the Champions League Cup Final. It's a clash between the best and riches clubs in the world. Barcelona (Barca) vs Manchester United (MU).
To watch such a big game, you've gotta have the "stadium" like atmosphere. No fun watching it alone in the house. You gotta watch it at the Mamak stall! That's were the action lies! That's where you can shout and make lots of noise in the middle of the night without worrying about the man in blue.
I arrived at about 10 minutes b4 the match start and the tables are all full. Can u imagine, it's almost 2.35am and these crazy buggers sat there as if t'row is a weekend. Don't they have to work in the morning? mmm ... are they really die hard fan or a big time gamblers?
The "Annea" saw me looking for a seat, he quickly (very entrepreneur) squeeze me a space. This guy is a pro in space utilization. Very good atmospheric table arrangement but my only complain is that I was surrounded by ..... smokers! The worst thing is that these guys smoke cheap cigarates... u know those "gudang garam" type. Man, it was quite uncomfortable.
After settling down, I ordered a cup of "cham" (coffee mix with tea) and a piece of Chapati. I know what u thinking... I agree it was pretty heavy stuff I ordered at that wee hour.... but never mind la, I'll make (yet another) new dieting resolution trow morning, Ok? Zombie need food to stay awake.
It was a very entertaining match. The first 10 min, MU played very well. They were in control and were attacking most of the time. Ronaldo and Ronnie were very dangerous and were quite a deadly pair. Unfortunately, it was Barca who scored first. That was their first attack. Man, all they need is just 1 opportunity. Eto'o is unarguably one of the best strikers in the world.
That goal changes the whole game. MU lost it's composure and for about 20 mins, they played like school boys, making many silly mistakes. MU came back strong after half time, but Puyol and his strongmen, hold on to their fort.

I was very impress with Messi. He is one hell of a player. He's very fast and yet his ball control was superb. Every time when he gets the ball, at least 2 - 3 players will surround him. It's very entertaining watching him play - skillful, creative, good stamina and excellent ball control. Oh, he is the other goal scorer. He's a short guy but remarkably, he scored with his head!
I'm glad that I made the decision to stay up to watch the match. It is an honor to watch the world's best player on the flat stadium ... surrounded by chinese, indians, malays, indons, myanmese, etc. rrr .. sorry, my bad... actually, these are not chinese, indians, malays, indons, myanmese, etc. ... they are just Barca and MU fans.
Overall, both team played very well and live up to their reputation. As in any competition, there is a winner and a loser. It was the better team that won. Barca 2 vs MU 0.
Congrats Barca, you deserves to be the world's best !

Wow you're a little crazy aren't you?!?!?! I LIKE IT! ;-p
ReplyDeleteCindy, I know... luckily its only happens occasionally and not every time. Otherwise, i'm be in mental hospital. Oh they probably won't admit me in as I'm the crazy durian blogger! ... ;b