Make unlimited money! Very easy one! Very good potential! Big market! Green and environment friendly is the future! etc.. are mostly the key words that interest me. I'm always open and receptive to listen to such money making opportunities. Every opportunities has it's own challenges. To me, there is no harm to explore and learn about the opportunity.
Of late, ever since I was walking around town like a zombie, I have the privileged to explore and discover many good money making opportunities in a little more detail. Aiya ... got more spare time ma. Some of the opportunities were introduced by friends and some of them I found from the magazine and through surfing internet. I guess one needs to open its eyes and ears, there are opportunities everywhere!
I'm not going to talk about starting a simple trading or restaurant business as I believe most of us would already know the benefits and the challenges in these business. Here are some of the more interesting opportunity that I've encountered and explored.
Energy Saving
One of the most impressive opportunity that I've ever encountered were from UK company. They are in the energy sector. Their marketing activities and collaterals are THE BEST I've ever encountered. Their website are very professional, well planned and thought of and informative enough to get you excited. On top of that they will send you good email reminders and articles for you to make an informed decision. Their killer effort is that they assigned a person to consistently call me to guide you through the whole decision making process. Its whole focus is to get you excited about the potential in the energy sector and sign up to be their representative.
Did I finally take up the offer to being their representative in Malaysia? oh..btw, the guy from UK named Adam, told me that there are about 730 enquiries from Malaysia alone and based on my responds (i'm suppose to give them a business plan as part of their evaluation), I was one of the 5 shortlisted candidate! Feel good eh ... not easy to get an english chap to "bodek" you.
Anyway, I finally decided not to pursue with them because of a bad commentary I accidentally stumbled upon. I wrote to the "bad mouth" guy and he directed me to another blog/site that talk about the bad experiences with this company. When I spoke to Adam about this, his response was not convincing and the rest was history. However, if you are interested, let me know.
Make Money Online
I was alway very intrigue with people having websites that makes money. 6 years ago, a few friend of mine were already started making $ from his website. One of my friend sold shoes from his site, one offer information on how to write business plan, letters, etc and the other writes about financial advices. The guy who provide information on business plan earns an average of USD100 - USD300 per month ... and he "smartly" plagiarized them from somewhere. haha ...
At that time, I wasn't really paying much attention to it. Furthermore, to me, I always has this mental blockage that one need a little "technical" knowledge and "idea/product" to sell before onw should start a website.
Anyway, a few weeks back, I met one of my old colleague whom he made a comfortable "extra" income from his 2 blogs. Though he didn't maintain one of the blog for quite a while, he still receives $. Hey... I told myself... why not?
One of the reason I started blogging, beside the "me-too" syndrome, is to get myself an experience in writing. It has given me the opportunity to share my story, my thoughts and to practice my chinglish. Ultimately, I want to own a blog that brings in constant "extra" pocket money and having this Durian Talk blog would give me the experience and the starting point.
I know I'm still a long way to go but I'm working on it! To be able to make killer money, one need to have "value" where people will keep visiting the site. I am still doing my "soul searching" - with whatever little soul I have left. ;b The consolation is that I'm in no hurry.
MLM or Network Marketing or Direct Selling or Ponzi Scheme
What ever name you call it, I believed that this is one of the best business concept available in the planet! Minimal capital, flexible time, unlimited residual income, work at your own pace, no boss, etc. When the economy is down, this business sure improves.
Most of the friends who approached me are with company's that sells "health" product. You named it; Amway, Elken, Agel, Cosway, Herballife, E.Excel, etc... all tells me that there are many "leaders" earns 4 to 5 figures/mth and potentially every one of us can make it as well.
One of the company that i thought is different from the rest is a company that deals with "gambling" products. It's something similar to our Sports Toto but it has >400 games per year. Why it interest me? There are a few reasons; 1. It's internet based. 2.No weekly or monthly meetings to attend. 3.I do not need to service anyone as the payment is through credit card. 4. Maximum amount spend is about RM150.00 per month. 5. I don't have to convince people to buy products. 6. Besides the residual income from downline, I also have the >400 chances to strike jackpot!
Sounds too good to be true. That's why I'm still communicating with the company as there are few questions that I need to clarify. I feel that this has it own opportunity and the target market is those gamblers and business person. This "gambling product" is not for the people who want to preach "healthy, family, lifestyle" approach.
Share trading

To me, every opportunity has it's own risk level. Share trading is a high risk business because most of us doesn't know the intricacy of this trade. They rely on "rumours", doesn't do their due diligence, doesn't know how to interpret announcements or read stock charts, not discipline, doesn't know when to go-in nor get-out, etc. The more you don't know the higher the risk is!
I have never thought of going into this money making opportunity as I'm not a high risk taker (cold feet) , I don't have extra money to burn and I'm definitely not train to read any financial statements, let alone technical analysis.
However, a learned friend of mine told me that I should start to learn this trade. His reason? He explained that 20 years from now, we'll be retired. Most of us, would hope that by that time, we have make enough money to put us through the rest of our lives. But can we guarantee that you have enough $ by then? How much can our savings in our EPF help? We may or may not have enough savings but I'm quite sure that we no longer able to run around doing sales, writing proposals, or doing physical activities.
He believed that we should take up a skill set that we can use to earn $, even when we are retired! He felt that share trading is one of the better option available and if we start learning now, by the time we are 60+ year old, we would hv 20 over years of experience in the trading industry.
You can certainly trade from your home and you do not need to run around selling or managing people. Physically you may be weaker but not your mind and experience!
I totally agree with him and decided to sign up for a workshop. I've just attended 2 fundamental session and a live trading session. As i'm a bit slow in learning (another word for dumb la!), I've requested to attend the workshop again. Btw, I'm learning to trade in US Options.
To reduce one's risk in this trade, one need to do constant research and monitor the market. I am now able to recognized major and minor indicators from the stock charts. I still need to learn how to interpret news or announcement from various sources. Definitely not an easy skill to pick up but hey.... I have 20 years to practice! I don't need to put in real money unless I want to! They have unlimited virtual money...and it trade just like the actual situation. Very very interesting!
So, in the very near future, if someone were to give me a "tip", I should be able to quickly confirm it through interpreting the indicators, fundamental and technical analysis. As of this minute, I think I've made a right decision. Thanks Alex for the introduction and Roland for generously sharing your knowledge!
Real Estate
Robert Kiyosaki has influence most of our lives. Most of us would have read his "Rich Dad Poor Day" and his other best selling series. I agree that this is one of the better money making opportunity as it has lower risk factor, higher potential of generating good return either from rental income or from capital appreciation.
Robert has opened up my perception in the real estate industry but I find that I am still weak and not ready to move into it yet. A "dunggu (dumb axx)" like me need people to explain and guide me through. Can't pick up such a heavy stuff from reading on my own.
Anyway, my plan is that once I'm more comfortable and master my Options trading skill, I will definitely look for a real estate mentor to help me in this industry. Do you know of one ? This is a life long skill that I want to acquire!
In short
I would love to do nothing and wish that money just fall from the sky! Huh?! Wha

My focus now is to enrich my investment skill set and I've decided to start with Option trading in the US market. By end of 3rd quarter, I should have the skill set to quickly recognize and interpret the indicators from the stock chart and the experience to interpret announcements. Wish me luck!
First of all... your chinglish is excellent. I heard that word last week and I thought it was hilarious! In Florida we speak Spanglish... it's equally messy.
ReplyDeleteAnd what's with the "little soul" line? I don't like that!
I work from home as a book editor and do subscribe to the theory of "when there is a will, there is a way." I also do alcohol promotions, cocktail waitressing, event planning, and whatever it takes to be able to just write and edit most of the time... it's what I love!
Your chinglish has great potential! Just go for it! :-)
Thank you for your encouragement...feel exceptionally motivated esp coming from an editor. oh... well, can't expect much "soul" left from a zombie, can we? lol :)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm doing OK. Slow but moving the right direction.
Like everything, the key to success is "work hard". No easy way out, MLM, Online, Stock Trading ... you have to work for it.
ReplyDeleteCome on durian, you have those "sit back, play golf and make money ideas" that you are not sharing. Don't be selfish, help us ... =)
Ian, you've ever attended a preview and then you gotta pay like a few thousands to learn level 1 and then pay another few thousands to learn level 2 and then finally being told that there are actually 20 more levels to complete before you can move up to intermediate ... mmm... shiok eh!
ReplyDeleteThis is blog is just my initial introduction to my actual preview. Keep visiting and click on the bloody adverts so that I earn enough to continue writing! Hey, someone gotta put food on my table, leh! hahahaha
he he ... we need to meet up to talk about business that we are already in ...
ReplyDeleteMLM or network marketing I think is a really good, fast and legal way to earn a living - both offline and online. Too bad there are scams out there that smudge the good face of the industry. On the other hand, there are also those that are legit, some of which I'm a part of.